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Guixi Sanyuan Technology & Trade Co., Ltd.

Guixi Sanyuan Technology & Trade Co., Ltd.

(Summary description)GuixiSanyuanScienceandTradeCo.,Ltd.wasestablishedinNovember2010witharegisteredcapitalof10millionyuan.ThelegalrepresentativeisWangXiangsheng.Mainlyengagedinthesalesandimportandexportofnon-ferrousmetalproducts,itisasubsidiaryofGuixiDasanyuanIndustrialGroup.GuixiDasanyuanIndustrialGrouphasalonghistory,maturetechnologyandadvancedtechnologyintheproductionofbismuthingotsandtelluriumingots.Inthepastthreeyears,thecompanyhasrankedfirstinthecountryintheproductionandexportofbismuthingots,andoccupiesaleadingpositioninthenationalbismuthindustry.Atthesametime,theproductionandsalesoftelluriumingotsarealsoamongthebestinthecountry,sowehaveastrongspotadvantage.GuixiSanyuanScienceandTradeCo.,Ltd.hasfivemodernwarehouseswithawarehouseareaofmorethan12,000squaremeters.Thewarehouseiscleanandtidy,withcompletefacilitiesandperfectsecuritysystem.

Guixi Sanyuan Technology & Trade Co., Ltd.

(Summary description)GuixiSanyuanScienceandTradeCo.,Ltd.wasestablishedinNovember2010witharegisteredcapitalof10millionyuan.ThelegalrepresentativeisWangXiangsheng.Mainlyengagedinthesalesandimportandexportofnon-ferrousmetalproducts,itisasubsidiaryofGuixiDasanyuanIndustrialGroup.GuixiDasanyuanIndustrialGrouphasalonghistory,maturetechnologyandadvancedtechnologyintheproductionofbismuthingotsandtelluriumingots.Inthepastthreeyears,thecompanyhasrankedfirstinthecountryintheproductionandexportofbismuthingots,andoccupiesaleadingpositioninthenationalbismuthindustry.Atthesametime,theproductionandsalesoftelluriumingotsarealsoamongthebestinthecountry,sowehaveastrongspotadvantage.GuixiSanyuanScienceandTradeCo.,Ltd.hasfivemodernwarehouseswithawarehouseareaofmorethan12,000squaremeters.Thewarehouseiscleanandtidy,withcompletefacilitiesandperfectsecuritysystem.


  Guixi Sanyuan Science and Trade Co., Ltd. was established in November 2010 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The legal representative is Wang Xiangsheng. Mainly engaged in the sales and import and export of non-ferrous metal products, it is a subsidiary of Guixi Dasanyuan Industrial Group. Guixi Dasanyuan Industrial Group has a long history, mature technology and advanced technology in the production of bismuth ingots and tellurium ingots. In the past three years, the company has ranked first in the country in the production and export of bismuth ingots, and occupies a leading position in the national bismuth industry. At the same time, the production and sales of tellurium ingots are also among the best in the country, so we have a strong spot advantage. Guixi Sanyuan Science and Trade Co., Ltd. has five modern warehouses with a warehouse area of more than 12,000 square meters. The warehouse is clean and tidy, with complete facilities and perfect security system.

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 Guixi Da san yuan Industry (Group) Co.,Ltd.



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